Enhanced Visiting
MECSH (Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Homeāvisiting) Programme
MECSH is a home visiting programme tailored to provide professional support to help families through the transition to parenthood. MECSH starts in pregnancy and can continue until a child’s second birthday. It is offered by a health visitor who provides support to help families identify and plan for the needs of their baby, own health, and wider family needs. It is an opportunity for parents to receive information about caring for their baby and learn how to provide appropriate stimulation to encourage their social and communication development. Families are also supported and encouraged to engage with wider community activities, e.g children’s centres and parent and toddler activities in the locality.
MECSH was developed in Australia and more information can be found on the Australian Early Childhood Connect website www.earlychildhoodconnect.edu.au
Click below to find information on your local health visiting team:
Click below to find information on your local health visiting team: