What is SEND?

What is SEND? (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) 

Special educational needs (SEN) is a legal term. A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which means that they need special educational provision.

Special educational provision is different from what is normally available to pupils of the same age.

Having a learning difficulty or disability means that a pupil has greater difficulty in learning than most pupils of the same age, or a disability which makes it more difficult for them to use the school facilities. For example, they may have problems with:

  1. Specific areas of learning, like reading, writing or number work
  2. Expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying
  3. Making friends or relating to adults
  4. Managing their emotions or behaviour
  5. Problems with seeing, hearing, or moving around
  6. Medical conditions that impact on learning
  7. Mental health difficulties, e.g. anxiety or depression

The Law

The Children and Families Act 2014 implemented a legal framework for SEN Law and reformed legislation relating to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Known as the SEND Code of Practice, it places duties on local authorities and partner organisations, including the NHS, to ensure that children and young people with SEND are supported to achieve the “best possible educational and other outcomes”.

SEND Code of Practice


Some children and young people need additional support to help them develop through their education.

This could be due to a disability, such as behavioural, physical or sensory difficulties, difficulties with communicating / relating to other people.

How to get support

You can get support for young people aged 0 to 25 with special education or disability needs on the Hounslow Local Offer website. 

Hounslow Local Offer https://fsd.hounslow.gov.uk/synergyweb/local_offer/


Telephone: 020 8583 2672

Email: sen@hounslow.gov.uk 

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